

Under sports encouragement is given for both indoor and outdoor games. Particular attention is paid to the physical development of the students through Athletics, Physical Training, Games and Sports. Students are given training in different games before and after school hours. Children are sent for various Inter-School Competitions, Taluk, District and State level competitions.

Physical Training

Exercise and recreation are as necessary as reading because health is worth more than learning. Particular attention is paid to the physical development of the students through athletics, physical training, games and sports. Annual Sports will be conducted in the school and prizes are given​ for​ the​ winners​ in various​ games​ and​ sports.


"Freedom of the soul is the goal of all yoga". We pay special attention to yoga classes. Yoga is a holistic method of fitness that aims at balancing the body through various poses and meditative techniques. It generally restores all-round health and improves all systems of the body. The benefits of yoga for students can be manifold. Yoga makes students limber and flexible, helping them remain fit.
